Digital Customer Experience – A catalyst for growth

Deliver a digital customer experience with Girnar Care

It all starts with a “Customer”
The traditional day customer experience was simply about how a consumer feels about your brand, its products and services. What quality and change did you as a brand generate for them was the ideal meaning. It was then weighed as either great, good, average or a bad customer experience. Results of which, either drove you more intense sales with a loyal audience or the opposite. But, with the evolution of technology, consumers modified themselves into a more advanced version. AKA, often known as the DIGITAL and INTERNET SAVVY CUSTOMER who wanted a Digital Customer Experience. This set of audience is hard to please and understand. But, when tapped at the right point, they can bring you loyalty and value never endured before.

This blog will work up a way for you to discover how you can transform your business processes as per the new digital age. Also, learn ways to enhance your “digital customer experience” with the right strategy.

Defining the “Digital Customer Experience”

27% of the businesses believe that digital transformation is a matter of their survival in the market.

Digitisation has changed the narrative of how companies looked at their customer journey before. The digital customer is modern, smart, internet savvy and knows what he wants. Here, a great digital customer experience would mean how a brand and a customer digitally interact with each other. Also, what benefits does the digital interaction hold for the customer is what defines a wholesome experience. Increased value for customers, customer retention, happy and loyal customers is what a good digital experience does for you.

For a digital customer, factors like the below – mentioned matter:
– How many digital channels you as a brand are available at,
– How much time does your website take to load,
– What digital technologies are you using to simplify customer communication,
– How well do you understand your customer’s time and value it,
– How quickly and smartly do you solve their online queries,
– Do you indulge in taking feedback and act on it,
– How actively are you engaging your customers via social media channels, etc.

Creating a bond with your customer digitally and letting them know how much you value them will prove as a catalyst for your business growth. Consumers expect their experience to be easy, seamless and worthy of their time. They want efficient before and after service, personalised experience and a lot more. Going digital has expanded customer’s horizons and raised the bar for brands to attract customers and make meaningful transactions.

So that now you are clear of what a digital CX expects from a brand, let’s talk about ways how you can attain your goals to provide a holistic digital customer experience. In short, let’s talk strategy.

Strategy for a holistic digital customer experience

Let your customer’s find you:

The first step is to create awareness and defining ways for your target audience to find you. Though some of the businesses will already have their customer market established, but its always better to find new customers. Isn’t it? For catching customer eyes, social media mentions and influencers can help you in different ways. They create user content which is easy and unique in their own ways. This type of content is engaging and other customers can easily connect with it. Furthermore, you can also optimise your website and other pages with SEO for increased brand awareness.


Once you have expanded your reach, its time to understand and discover their behaviours. This will help you to draft your strategies with a user-centric approach. Understand what your audience likes, what they want to see, what content creates the most engagement etc. Make use of demographic charts to understand what personality traits does your customer hold. Build a buyer’s persona and then you will able to create a wholesome experience for them. Understanding their intention and behaviour will answer most of your questions and help you deliver what they seek. Also, formulate content as per different social media channels which your target audience prefers. Treat them well and let them know how much you value them.

Make use of the data collected

Once you have done your study, use the data for your own good. By this we mean, that now you have the ability to transform your business processes per what your target customers seek. Customise, personalise and show how much you care and retain maximum customers. Integrate your brand’s vision, Innovate processes to seek customers attention, align it with customer goals, interact with focussing on them and offer what they want.

Create a convenient digital customer experience

Convenience is what they are looking for. If you create it for them, they are gonna stick with you. Show them that you are a one-stop destination for their needs, who as brand value their time and offers them convenience at their doorstep. Show them how seamless it is to interact with you and how great are your products and services.

Take feedback

They want to be heard and given immediate resolutions. Their feedback is the only way for you to make relevant and necessary changes in your services. Revitalise your brand and pull it out of the gloomy days with important customer feedback. Ask your customer about how they feel and what they need to change and then incorporate it in the new you.

Offer them immediate support:

Don’t hesitate to take negative feedback from your customers. Rather, use it to transform your product and services. Also, don’t step back to answer their queries. In fact, answer them and immediate possible actions to show how much do you care for your customers. Drive them satisfaction and they will give you loyalty.


To delight your customers at each stage of their purchase journey, you need to be a part of their customer experience. Keep yourself in their shoes and understand what they truly require. Enable a system and an effective strategy with the right technology for a seamless digital customer experience.
Reinvent your customer experience with us and our breakthrough technology. Contact us now to know more.

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