5 Significant Reasons Why Every Ecommerce Store Needs Live Chat

5 Reasons Ecommerce Store Needs Live Chat

Imagine you’re shopping online from your favorite store brand, looking for a color variation that you want to buy – but you can’t find it. 

You wonder: Are they out of stock? Do they not come in a particular color? 

You feel sad 🙁 and looking around for helpful staff members, but there’s no one around. 

There is just one option available to call a phone number to reach a representative. You could do that, but it seems like a long-time-taking effort to just ask a quick question. 

Now this time you start feeling stiffness and mapping “Do I really want these?”

Ultimately, you drop the idea to purchase and leave without purchasing anything.

This is exactly what happens on your eCommerce website when you don’t have a live chat service.

From the above notion, eCommerce owners could learn one thing is that most customers aren’t going to wait for your response via email or phone queue to ask a question. 

They’ve other brands’ stores as a second option to do shopping from. So, it’s your fault that customers leave your website without any purchases or adding to the cart. 

In this blog, E-commerce brands will learn the importance of Live Chat services. In the end, they will come across to know why every eCommerce store needs live chat. 

The 5 big benefits of live chat for eCommerce stores

Have a look at some of the biggest benefits of text messaging software for online stores. The mentioned five ways will help your eCommerce business to drive leads via live chat support

1. Live chat saves time for both your customers and your company

Live chat functions similar to a conversation between two real persons. Offering live chat support, communication takes place instantly and exchanges thoughts in no time. 

Live chat answers the questions without taking much time and help customers make the shopping experience trouble-free. 

Let’s take an example…

Continue with the above scenario, you felt unhappy because you didn’t get your product in your color match. You look around for help and you begin a live chat conversation with the representative. You get the answers and feel satisfied

This is the power of live chat in potential time. It not only saves time but also sustains the customer relationship. 

Besides this, 73% of customers say that they retain the brands just because brands value their time. That’s right: it doesn’t about free shipping, offers, and discounts, easy returns or even being nice – good customer service lies in not wasting customers’ time.

2. Live chat answers customers’ questions before they become shilly-shally

Yeh! That’s true… and it’s the second biggest benefit of implementing live chat support on the website. 

You never come across to figure out what might hesitates your customers while online shopping. Implementing live chat is the only option from which you can settle the dispute of perception, action, and feelings of the customers. 

In fact, using live chat support, eCommerce representatives can answer customers’ questions quickly before turn into doubts. You could do so by sending greeting messages, creating personalised messages for every single page product, using AI chatbot support, etc.

This gives them a boost in the shopping experience and built loyalty among customer services.

3. Live chat keeps customer communications on progressive goal

Embedding live chat right into your eCommerce website means developing an effortless ecommerce experience in terms of communication and customer experience. 

Live chat is a written mode of communication, hence, the conversation stays in the middle of objectives from both the end by customer and representative. 

Additionally, it also sustains the mindset of the customer from start to finish of the shopping journey. While other forms of communication like phone calls and email separate the customer from the product page to the contact us page, which hit the customer experience slightly a bit. 

4. Live chat gives you valuable insights into your customers’ behaviors

With live chat in position, you could ask customers to share their experience or feedback. This is one kind of insight you can get from live chat support. 

However, there is a number of insights you could collect from a live chat tool. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • The time and date when visitors opt for a chat.
  • Reveal common points of friction.
  • About the common queries.
  • Learn in real-time about customers’ experience.
  • Segment customers basis on opt-in and opt-out live chat support.

Additionally, live chat gives you access to the analytics you wouldn’t have with phone or email support.

5. Live chat humanizes your eCommerce store

Did you know that Live chat functions exactly like a real person? 

Whether it AI live chatbot or live chat with a real person, both provide the discern of humane. In simple terms, live chat humanizes your eCommerce store and helps customers provide a friendly shopping experience. 

Additionally, live chat can be tweaked as per needs and pop up with a friendly “How can I help you?”  message. Further, you can make it more personalized with their names or by giving product suggestions.

To help you, I’ve pointed out some live chat tips to make it more sound like human and less ROBOT! 

  • Introduce yourself by name
  • Use a typing indicator
  • Embrace the emoji
  • Send dynamic chat invites
  • Use canned responses
  • Route chats to the relevant agent
  • Place live chat buttons upfront
  • Integrate with your CRM
  • Respond within 60 seconds
  • Don’t launch the chat in a new web window

Also Read: 8 Benefits of Live Chat Support Solution For Any Business

Final Thought: eCommerce Live Chat Support 

Live Chat is fast becoming a holy grail for customer service. There is no option available to deny live chat and think for other mediums of communication. 

Integrating live chat support gives you the ability to communicate with your customers more friendly and provide instant solutions for their questions. With this guide, you will be able to conclude the importance of ecommerce live chat and if you’re looking to integrate live chat on your website, Girnar Care Team could help you in this. Contact us for more information.

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