Management practices to curb stress and anxiety during a pandemic

Because COVID 19 has knocked our doors, seemingly everything around us has changed its functioning style. These uncertain times have also given rise to stress and tension and resulted in a malfunctioning of our daily lives.

Finding practical & effective mechanisms to work a way out of this dilemma stands very important and paramount. Considering the statistics, businesses all around the globe have employees facing stress issues with their work and goals during these unpredictable times.

It stands extremely important for top-level managers to come up with productive ways which help their employees and staff to overcome stress and work in a better way. With minimized feelings of anxiety and stress, employees will handle customers better and achieve business goals as well. Curating a solid plan of action to benefit both employees and business in these uncertain days is extremely important.

Let’s look at some of the best practices and mechanisms that could be followed to keep employees healthy, stress & anxiety-free, motivated and engaged in what they do best:

1. Ascertaining that employees aren’t overworked:

Be it if its COVID 19 or any other pandemic, these times create chaos and uncertainty to a greater extent, giving everyone a feeling of distress and unrest. In a business, it takes a direct toll on the employees who have a hard time doing business and making profits. Employers tend to stuff excessive work which the employees find unmanageable thus resulting in attrition.

What managers should do is create weekly schedules and help their employees in each case possible.

2. Safety is the Priority:

Employees need to feel safe and healthy before motivated to work. Every employee’s safety stands utmost important and employers should take definitive steps of action to make the entire staff sense protection. If tasks and responsibilities can be taken up from home, so employees shall be permitted to work from home. Cases where employees have to work from the office, all safety measures should be lined up beforehand. If the employee feels secure, he will be self-motivated to perform better.

3. Communicate:

Don’t forget to talk to your employees and have an open-ended conversation whenever possible. It will indirectly help you to understand the problems that employees face and keep you in a good position to help them out with corrective steps of action at the right time.

4. Promote self-care:

During a pandemic, keeping up high spirits without having any anxiety and stress issues is essential. Managers should make a note of letting their employees indulge in self-care, team building, online fun activities etc. while taking up proper precautions.

These uncertain times will end someday but what stands paramount is that all of the employees and staff feels safer and stronger while working. The crisis will eventually end but what we have to do is make this process simpler and adapt to new changes.

The uncertainty has to end someday but then these tough times are to supervised with care.

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