Call Center Metrics to Measure an Agent’s Productivity

customer service and call center metrics to measure performance

Your call center agents are the lifeline for your business. They work in the frontline, bravely step in to provide great solutions, go through every challenge and deliver excellent customer service. They make numerous decisions to solve customer queries and in return provide the best customer experience.

The statistics tell us that the way customer service reps respond to customers highly influence a customer’s purchase decision.

But how do you measure customer service? Have you set certain call center metrics to measure performance.

If not, then this is the right blog for you. We have mentioned the top 5 metrics that you should consider to measure customer success and your agent productivity.

Top 5 call Center Metrics

Call center metrics are also known as Key performance indicators(KPI’s). These KPI’s help to measure how well is the business achieving its goals. Likewise, it also helps to evaluate an agent’s complete performance and then award him for his achievements.

There might a zillion metrics depending upon business goals and a particular industry but then we have sorted out the top 5 one among them. So let’s get straight into it.

1. First Response Time (FRT)

By FRT, we mean the time between a customer raising a ticket to solve his query and a customer service rep responding to it.

The modern customer wants instant solutions. They don’t want to wait. With plenty of brands available in the market and if one brand doesn’t seem to fit in their expectation criteria, one wouldn’t take much time to change options.

They literally hate it when they have to wait for a very long time. So Keeping FRT at the bare minimum will keep your customers happy and build you a good brand image. A brand that keeps customers first. So make sure your agents take the lowest possible time to respond to customer queries in order to achieve desired business goals.

2. First Call Resolution

The clearest call center metric to measure performance.

First call resolution means the art of satisfying a customer wants and needs in the first go. The customer should not be kept in a situation where he is calling again and again for his issue. This definitely leaves a bad mark.

FCR is the most transparent way to measure whether your agents are performing up to the mark or not. If customers call back several times, or their calls are being transferred to different levels, then this is a bad sign.

So make sure your agents address customers issues in the first go and provide quality solutions.

3. Customer Retention Rate

Are your customers sticking along with your brand? Or are you always in the need to find new customers because your customers aren’t loyal? CRR (customer retention rate) is the balance of your existing customer base who is sticking with your brand for a time period.

If your agents aren’t able to provide better service and solutions to your customers, then the customer retention rate will be the lowest. Make sure the CRR for your brand remains maximum. The reason behind this is that it’s too hard and expensive to attract new customers so make sure that you don’t let go of your existing ones because of bad service.

4. Call Abandonment Rate

As we have discussed before as well, customers want quick answers. If your agents keep them on hold, divert their calls to various departments or are unable to provide solutions, customers will surely get frustrated.

They will definitely not keep on waiting for too long and hang up. Call abandonment rate should be kept the least as this shows how badly customers are frustrated with your after service. Moreover, it also shows the percentage of loss of trust that a customer has build because of bad customer service.

5. Percentage of Calls Blocked

This percentage shows how many customer calls were unanswered. Unanswered because of a busy tone that the customer received. If this call centric metric tends to be too high then one should take effective action.

The reason being, the call center is losing effective business coming in. Why lose an opportunity coming in. A great way to tackle this is to implement IVR menu, Auto transfer and many other options.

Also Read:- How to improve call center agent productivity and performance

By measuring these top 5 call center metrics, one will be able to understand what are the deviations and what should be corrected. Hope this blog helps you to achieve your business goals and provide great customer satisfaction.

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