Ways to improve call center agent productivity and performance

Learn tips and tricks to improve agent productivity

Customer call center’s main focus area to provide great customer satisfaction and service. For this, they rely on agents with great communication, interaction and understanding skills. To provide satisfactory services, all the agents need to be dynamic and active in every sphere of their tasks. If your agents are slow, shy or unproductive, your business is at a greater risk of losing potential clients and customers. Moreover, your business can lose its reputation as well. This blog will discuss how as entrepreneurs, you can improve your call center performance with high agent productivity.

According to statistics, employees who aren’t actively engaged cost approximately $450 to $550 billion per year in productivity loss (Gallup).

Agents who punch in, sit idle during work hours, feel unmotivated and always waiting for their workday to end aren’t the best employees. However, a team of highly motivated & efficient employees who believe to achieve their goals are the best resources. Let’s look at how you can build an extremely talented team for yourself.

Improving agent productivity

We all are aware that efficient agents can boost your call center performance. Likewise, we have explained ways using which you can boost agent productivity and efficiency.

Defining appropriate performance standards

They should know what the upper level of management expects them to do. The main problem lies when there is a lack of clarity among your agents. They are unable to understand the desired expectations. There is nothing strictly mentioned when they join. This gives rise to conflict and depletes their performances.
It is quite obvious that one will not perform when they don’t know what to do.A way out is mentioning clear and appropriate performance standards often known as KRA(Key responsibility areas). These define standards on which agent productivity and performance gets measured. Once your agents are aware of their KRA’s, they will perform effectively to reap advantages.

Don’t forget to motivate

Considering the present uncertain days of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is a hard time for everyone. With stressed conditions and overpowered situations, Incoming calls have substantially increased. On the other hand, the work pressure has risen, giving your agents almost no possible time to breathe. Lack of motivation will deprive them and reduce their productivity. Moreover, many of them are working from home. A virtual environment with almost no human contact can be depressing as well.
These times are tricky and you need to be there with them. motivate them, acknowledge their efforts and value their work. This will develop a great sense of motivation and drive them to perform. One efficient way is to share the best practices of one agent with everyone else. By doing this, the agent’s good behaviour and performance get strengthened. Moreover, acknowledged agents extend support to other peers to improve their performance too.

Empower them to take decisions

Your company policies can hold back your agents to take their own decisions according to the situations. These dicy situations put them into confusing situations which leads to frustration. The frustration of complying with the internal policies no matter what the situation is. The best way to deal with this is by equipping your agents with the right to make decisions. Decisions which will help increase customer satisfaction and decrease frustration. This empowers the agents that you trust in them and will work accordingly.

Right technology for high agent productivity

So the workload is huge and we all agree to it. Complicated systems and processes will slow down your agents and their productivity as well. To deal with demanding situations, you need to find the right alternative. In other words, investing in the right technology will benefit your employees. There are a ton of tools and techniques available but choosing the right one is always the hurdle. Cloud telephony and its smart solutions are a great way to prevent your agents from the monotonous tasks. Moreover, your agents can work on the more important tasks while leaving the lesser important ones.
Girnar care’s user-friendly cloud solutions like IVR, Bulk SMS, Chatbots etc provide help to work seamlessly. Moreover, it offers you a database which gets integrated with your CRM. This helps your agents to access everything and anything all at one place without the tension to navigate.


Engaged and Happy employees result to be more productive and highly effective. By considering the above points, you as an entrepreneur can improve commitment, productivity, performance and overall working of your business. Not only this, these productive agents will work in alignment with your company mission and strive to work to achieve goals.

Technology on the other hand, will equip and ease every day communication between your agents and your customers. So go on, don’t wait more and follow the above mentioned points to drive better results.

Want to know how we help you in the overall process, then call us now.

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